4 Vitamins that will give you beautiful hair


Role: iron helps maintain good health. Many proteins and enzymes contain, including hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in the blood.Source: iron is largely present in red meat and poultry. Vegetarians are in enriched grain products, dried beans, dark green leafy vegetables or supplements.What you need to know: pregnant or women with heavy periods, vegetarians and people with disabilities diagnosed as anemia, must take an iron supplement. Supplements can interact with medicines, foods and other dietary supplements, and aggravate diseases like ulcers.


Role zinc plays a critical role in the growth, development and reproduction and contributes to the proper functioning of the immune and nervous systems.Source: Red meat has a high zinc content. Vegetarians should eat lots of nuts, dairy and cereal products (ie multivitamins do not always contain zinc).what you need to know: high doses of zinc can affect how the body absorbs iron, copper, and certain medications. Zinc can weaken the immune system and also reduce HDL cholesterol (the “good cholesterol”). The effects of zinc on the common cold are not backed up by studies truly conclusive.

Vitamin B6:

Role: Vitamin B6 plays a role in the synthesis of chemicals in the brain and red blood cells, metabolism and maintenance of blood sugar levels.Source: Vitamin B6 is most often found in fortified grain products, legumes, meat, poultry, fish, and some fruits and vegetables.What you need to know: clinical trials do not support the allegations that vitamin B6 reduces the carpal tunnel syndrome, depression associated with premenstrual syndrome and heart disease. An overdose of vitamin B6 can cause nerve damage.

Vitamin B12:

Role: Vitamin B12 contributes to the functioning of nerve cells and red blood cells and the production of DNA molecules.Source: you are vegetarian or not, fortified cereal products provide sufficient vitamin. Fish, meat and dairy products are also sources of vitamin B12.What you should know: some studies suggest that vitamin B12 helps protect against heart disease, depression and Alzheimer’s disease, but the evidence is not conclusive. If you are a vegetarian and do not eat fortified cereal products, ask your doctor to recommend a supplement.




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