“The best vitamin supplements for weight losing”

A lot of people in the process of weight loss due to poor diet, very easily lead to vitamin deficiency. In fact, the weight loss as long as a reasonable choice of food, a phenomenon that is entirely avoidable, the following Xiaoping lists the major food sources of vitamins for reference! From now On the vitamins following are the best vitamin supplements for weight losing

Vitamin A: animal liver, egg yolks, butter and fish liver sleeve highest natural content of vitamin A; in plant foods, dark color (red, yellow, green) vegetables such as tomatoes, carrots, peppers, sweet potatoes, spinach, amaranth and Some fruits such as bananas, persimmons, oranges, peaches, etc. contains more carotene.

Vitamin D sources: After sufficient illumination of the skin can produce vitamin D3; cod liver oil, egg yolks, milk and other animal foods contain more vitamin D3.

Vitamin E is widely distributed in nature, generally difficult lacking. Higher content of vitamin E in vegetable oils, and linoleum acid and other fatty acids parallel Poly One. Certain factors may affect the content of vitamin E in foods such as milk is due to the different seasons were different. In addition, vitamin E is not stable in storage and cooking process, there will be losses.

Vitamin B1 food sources: whole grains, beans, peanuts, lean meat, offal and one thousand yeast are all good sources of vitamin Bl. It should be noted processing, cooking methods, to avoid damage. Some fish and mollusks containing thiamine enzymes, biodegradable destroy thiamine and thiamine vitamin B1 is thiamine heating also allows dimensional enzyme damage, so do not eat raw fish and mollusks, can maintaining food vitamins Bi content.

Vitamin B2 food sources: Vitamin B2 also known as Riboflavin, plants can synthesize riboflavin, and are generally animals cannot synthesize. Although a small amount of intestinal bacteria can synthesize vitamin B2, but cannot meet the need, and therefore have to rely on vitamin B2 main & best vitamin supplement. Vitamin residues are not widely distributed in nature, only focused on the liver, kidney, breast, residual yellow, crab, eel, mushroom, seaweed and a few other foods. Green leafy vegetables in the vitamin content are slightly higher than other vegetable residues. Dry beans, peanuts and other foods where vitamin content is acceptable. Cooking and cereal processing may lose more vitamin B2, should be noted.

Niacin: Niacin foods have higher levels of animal liver, lean meat, whole grains, peanuts, beans, yeast.

Vitamin Bl2: little plant food content, and its main source of food of animal food, meat, milk and animal offal more content, fermented beans contain vitamin B12 in human colonic microorganisms can synthesize vitamin B12, but cannot be absorption, only with the feces.

In this article you see that the world’s best vitamin supplements are used to reduce weight & give you strength to stay slim, fast & sharp as well…!!!

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