The Fat Loss Factor

Today i m talking to those ppl who cannot know about her/his metabolism..What is metabolism???  metabolism is the rate in which your calories burn n then you lose weight

so today i am introducing the “The Fat Loss Factor” through which you can get out from the fat belly & enter in the old world with slim belly So get this healthy product from this web site which gives you the healthy products with affordable prices…

6 tips to lose weight without regrossir

Make a plan, it’s not the hardest! The key is not to regain the weight lost after all. How to take good habits from the start? Here are some essential tips for the line, and keep long.

1 – Aim for a reasonable goal

Do not try to lose too much at once, you risk the backlash once stopping regime. Not more than 3 to 4 pounds at a time, and then stabilize. This is the best way not to take regrossir. If you aim for a loss of more than 5 pounds, have a support by a health professional.

2 – Allow time to time

In the same vein, do not melt too quickly. The greater the loss, the faster the pounds come back soon! Set a goal of a kilo per week max!

3 – Do not starve

You need to stop eating overnight or skipping meals. This is too much calorie restriction that is often the cause of failure. First, you may crack very quickly. And most importantly, if you starve your body, the first thing he will do as soon as you get you to eat, it is storing more to confront the next famine!

4 – Choose the right allies

A little help can help you support a plan smoothly. Consider draining supplements to help you eliminate toxins such. Vitamin supplements may help prevent deficiencies.

5 – Move!

A little exercise is needed to lose weight without regrossir. Moreover, numerous studies have shown that people who move in addition to diet, their resume statistically less weight before. The ideal is to keep your good exercise habits after the diet!

6 – Eat fruits and vegetables

Learn to be satisfied with foods low in calorie density, that is to say foods that fill you stomach without giving you too much energy. The most interesting are the fruits and vegetables. In addition, they are good for your health!

Top fat burning foods

Lemon This fruit is a fat burner because it has the ability to trap some of the fat they go without blood. Eat lemon upon waking, at this time of the day, as we are still fasting, lemon will act directly on the liver. You can dilute the lemon juice in a large glass of warm water for better absorption. Then during the day, do not hesitate to season with a few drops of lemon your salads, fish or meats.

The green tea caffeine content increases energy expenditure and helps burn fat reserves. Some of the components of green tea, catechism, also have a real efficiency on the distribution of fat in the body.

Apple Famous for its satiety effect of pectin, apple is an excellent sensor sugars and fats due to its concentration of poly phones. It inhibits a part of the mechanism of production of body fat and therefore reduces your curves.

Guarana Guarana has an immediate effect on the reduction of fat. The caffeine acts as a real incentive to remove stubborn fat.

The no pal no pal is a plant native to Mexico which supports thinning by burning more fat and help you lose weight. It is eaten in the form of capsules.

Chitosan This natural fiber is strong absorbing fat. It treats overweight and reduced cholesterol meals.

Present chromium in cereals, broccoli, mushrooms and egg yolks, chromium is a trace element which limits the transformation of fat into fat cells. For faster action, there is bulbs chromium.

Mate Native to Central America, yerba mate plant has always been used by the Indians of Latin America as an infusion. It is rich in natural active ingredients that can activate fat burning.

Another advantage of mate: his very significant energizing effect during dieting! You can find a tea but also in dietary supplements in the form of bulbs

10 best tips for weight Loss

Tip # 1. Eat smaller meals throughout the day

Eating 2 or 3 large meals per day causes the slowing of metabolism and forces the body to treat a greater number of calories at once. So eat from April to June small meals a day and limit calories to 300 or 400 each time. Eat a healthy diet and avoid highly processed in favor of natural selection, including lots of raw vegetables. It is very important not to eat late in the evening to allow complete digestion of your last meal before going to sleep.

Tip # 2. Develop an exercise routine

To succeed in any weight loss program, it is essential to incorporate exercise. He did not need to be difficult, but it must be done regularly several times a week. Adopt a combination of cardie and to make it more enjoyable by ensuring that you do weight training for 20 to 30 minutes per session.

Tip # 3. Eat at home – eating out on special occasions

Most dieters have no idea of ​​the excess calories they consume at the restaurant. Most restaurant meals contain twice the calories of a home cooked meal. To be successful in your weight loss, you must be able to control the healthy ingredients and the amount of food.

Tip # 4. Drink Green Tea

Research confirms that drinking tea, especially green tea less transformed stimulates metabolism when you are resting and specifically target the release of stored fat. Infuse the tea yourself to avoid sugar added to prepackaged teas.

Tip # 5. Drink more water

Some dieticians advocate the idea of ​​drinking 64 ounces (2 liters) of water per day. Although most studies do not confirm, they underline the importance of drinking water throughout the day. The water reduces water retention naturally and helps eliminate toxins from the body.

Tip # 6. Eat slowly and enjoy your food

Slow down when you eat to allow your brain to send the signal of satiety so you know when to stop eating. You should enjoy your food and chew each mouthful at least 20 times to facilitate the digestive process

Tip # 7. Cut sweets and refined carbohydrates

All calories are not equal. Refined carbohydrates and sugar are broken down immediately after being eaten, which causes an immediate increase in blood glucose levels and the desire to eat again shortly after. The slow release calories from vegetables and proteins require energy expenditure much greater to metabolism and are therefore less likely to be stored as fat.

Tip # 8. Use a smaller plate

Most dieters do not even realize that the average base has increased from 9 to 12 inches. This means that it contains 40% more food, and studies have confirmed that if foods are on the plate, they end up in your mouth.

Tip # 9. Avoid sugary soft drinks

The best place to start is to cut calories in soft drinks. Each drink provides 150 to 200 calories, and many people consume several times a day. If sugary soft drinks with a no-calorie substitute replacements, lose 1 pound a week without further modification.

Tip # 10. Make these changes to your new lifestyle

Follow advice with the thought of losing weight in the short term can be beneficial, but it is important to develop a completely new lifestyle that includes most or all of these tips. Begin to make these changes for 15 days being strict. You will find that it becomes much easier with time, and your scale will encourage you.

All of these tips have been proven. Follow as much as possible for maximum results, but do not let one or two away from your ultimate goal of permanent weight loss. Losing fat, especially in the abdomen is extremely important to live a long life and healthy.

What are healthy foods?

At the time of your diagnosis of diabetes, have you thought, “I will never be able to eat sugar?”If so, you’re not alone. The idea that diabetes requires you to “give up” your favorite foods can block you and prevent you from learning what healthy food choices.

Fortunately, it is perfectly acceptable to include some sugary foods in a meal or a healthy snack. The secret is moderation. The “diet for diabetes” is actually a healthy way to eat healthy foods for everyone who is concerned about his health. Nowadays, a good meal is to balance the four food groups and portion control.


Whether you have diabetes or not, the best approach for you is to follow the feed dietary recommendations for healthy Canadians. Choose a variety of foods, as indicated by Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating.

Eat more often cereals, bread and other products made from whole grains, and more fruits and vegetables.Choose dairy products low in fat, lean meats and foods prepared with little or no fat.Achieve a healthy weight through exercise and healthy foods.Limit your intake of salt, caffeine and alcohol.


“All good things, in excess, is not necessarily good. “To limit the amount of food without compromising variety, adopt the method of the plate. This simple method will help you balance your meals wherever you are. First, divide your plate into two halves. Complete the first half of vegetables, and preferably vegetables of various colors. Then divide the other half into two and fill a quarter of potatoes, rice, pasta or bread, and one quarter of meat. Add to your plate fruit and a glass of milk, and voila: you have balanced your portions and your meal.

Eating healthy is good for everyone, but it is even more important for diabetics.

Tips for Healthy foods

Eat your meals at regular intervals throughout the day, and let not take more than six hours between meals. Eat at regular intervals will help you control your blood sugar. Choose foods low in fat. Choose dairy products low in fat and lean meats, and limit added fats such as margarine and butter.

Limit your intake of sugar, sweets and desserts.

The glycerin index measures the rise in blood sugar when you eat healthy foods. If you eat foods with a low glycerin index, your blood sugar will increase less than if you eat foods with a high glycerin index.

Choose more often foods with a low glycerin index, and rather than refined carbohydrates. Opt for bran cereals, whole wheat bread, lentils and legumes, and fruits and vegetables. If you are thirsty, drink water or diet sodas.

Preparing meals

Cook your food in the oven, grill them, boil them, bake with steam or grill or braise them using an oil spray.

Suggestion to enhance the flavor of your meal: Use fresh or dried herbs, garlic, onion, vinegar, heavy sauces, lemon juice, mustard and vanilla extracts and almond, without forgetting, of course, artificial sweeteners.


The body needs a little bit of fat every day. They are an integral part of our diet. In addition to providing us with energy, fat is a reserve of stored energy. In food, there are two types of fats: SATURATED and UNSATURATED. Always eat unsaturated food which gives you a healthy food as well as good senses of human power

Saturated fats come mainly from animal products and are solid at room temperature. The fatty meat, lard, butter and solid shortening are examples of saturated fats. Palm oil and coconut are also saturated fats. These are the types of unwanted fat because they tend to raise cholesterol.

Unsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature and come from vegetable oils such as peanut oil, olive, corn, sunflower and rapeseed. These fats are beneficial because they tend to lower cholesterol in the blood, but it does nonetheless need to limit consumption.

Beware of products that contain hidden fats, such as meats and sausage, nuts, chips, sauces, whole milk and cream.

10 foods to avoid losing weight fast

Some foods you eat act differently in your body. Some of them are going to give you different feeling bloated tummy and create a bounce reasons. Although these temporary bloating can be annoying because we feel uncomfortable in our clothes.

1: White bread

White bread, our beloved baguette unfortunately made ​​from refined flour. Refined flour induces a rise in our blood sugar levels in the body which in turn releases a large amount of insulin promote fat storage.

2: Cabbage

Cabbage is a vegetable known for the production of gas gastrointestinal tract during digestion. Vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower, beans and all their derivatives are more digestible when cooked. Do not eat when you want to find a flat stomach & losing weight fat

3: Carbonated water

Between 1 and 3 hours after ingestion of carbonated water even if it is not calorie, you can feel a slight bloating. The gas in the carbonated water has an influence on your belly.

4: Sodas including lights

Sodas contain a lot of refined sugar, the first enemy to lose weight. They may also contain corn syrup also bad diet. As for sodas lights although containing aspartame are not better. To achieve our goals i.e. losing weight fast as well as regain a flat stomach.

5: Fried foods

Fried foods are too fat when we follow a diet but as a bonus the ability to feel heavy after their ingestion and we bulging belly. So excited fried foods especially if you want to losing weight fast! If you like these foods you can prepare yourself rather than buying them in the trade.

6: Ice cream

The ice creams contain large amounts of sugar and foods high in sugar causes an increase in blood sugar levels and thus increase insulin levels, which causes the storage of fat on the belly.

7: The deli

Sausage is a fatty food that is responsible for unhealthy saturated fats. These bad fats are deposited in the arteries which lead to poor circulation creating cardiovascular problems. More poor circulation creates inflammation, which has a direct link on the storage of fat in the abdominal region. The meat is almost always high in sodium (salt).

8: Chewing gum

Chewing gum usually leads to ingest a lot of air. You swallow more air over the air builds up in your gastrointestinal tract that can cause bloating because the air pressure built up in your gastrointestinal system will create pressure on your abdominal wall. So if you want to keep a nice flat stomach avoid.

9: White rice

The white rice was refined and stripped of external and internal layers of the grain, removing any that most fibers, nutrients and proteins. White rice is digested quickly in your body, creating cascading increasing the level of insulin, and increased fat storage in your body.

10: Salt

Salt is a sponge to water for our body. It is not of course the ban because it is essential to our health. You just know the dose.

In this article we discuss about the losing weight fast because everyone has a problem related to this article…. So to read more article stay connected with our website.

“The best vitamin supplements for weight losing”

A lot of people in the process of weight loss due to poor diet, very easily lead to vitamin deficiency. In fact, the weight loss as long as a reasonable choice of food, a phenomenon that is entirely avoidable, the following Xiaoping lists the major food sources of vitamins for reference! From now On the vitamins following are the best vitamin supplements for weight losing

Vitamin A: animal liver, egg yolks, butter and fish liver sleeve highest natural content of vitamin A; in plant foods, dark color (red, yellow, green) vegetables such as tomatoes, carrots, peppers, sweet potatoes, spinach, amaranth and Some fruits such as bananas, persimmons, oranges, peaches, etc. contains more carotene.

Vitamin D sources: After sufficient illumination of the skin can produce vitamin D3; cod liver oil, egg yolks, milk and other animal foods contain more vitamin D3.

Vitamin E is widely distributed in nature, generally difficult lacking. Higher content of vitamin E in vegetable oils, and linoleum acid and other fatty acids parallel Poly One. Certain factors may affect the content of vitamin E in foods such as milk is due to the different seasons were different. In addition, vitamin E is not stable in storage and cooking process, there will be losses.

Vitamin B1 food sources: whole grains, beans, peanuts, lean meat, offal and one thousand yeast are all good sources of vitamin Bl. It should be noted processing, cooking methods, to avoid damage. Some fish and mollusks containing thiamine enzymes, biodegradable destroy thiamine and thiamine vitamin B1 is thiamine heating also allows dimensional enzyme damage, so do not eat raw fish and mollusks, can maintaining food vitamins Bi content.

Vitamin B2 food sources: Vitamin B2 also known as Riboflavin, plants can synthesize riboflavin, and are generally animals cannot synthesize. Although a small amount of intestinal bacteria can synthesize vitamin B2, but cannot meet the need, and therefore have to rely on vitamin B2 main & best vitamin supplement. Vitamin residues are not widely distributed in nature, only focused on the liver, kidney, breast, residual yellow, crab, eel, mushroom, seaweed and a few other foods. Green leafy vegetables in the vitamin content are slightly higher than other vegetable residues. Dry beans, peanuts and other foods where vitamin content is acceptable. Cooking and cereal processing may lose more vitamin B2, should be noted.

Niacin: Niacin foods have higher levels of animal liver, lean meat, whole grains, peanuts, beans, yeast.

Vitamin Bl2: little plant food content, and its main source of food of animal food, meat, milk and animal offal more content, fermented beans contain vitamin B12 in human colonic microorganisms can synthesize vitamin B12, but cannot be absorption, only with the feces.

In this article you see that the world’s best vitamin supplements are used to reduce weight & give you strength to stay slim, fast & sharp as well…!!!

Tips to weight loss plan

Start with the basics: to lose fat, you must burn more calories than you consume, and that’s all. To calculate the number of calories per day, first determine your basal metabolic rate (MB): it is the caloric expenditure resulting from normal daily activities except exercise. Basal metabolism is equal to the weight of the body multiplied by 25.3. Next, determine the number of calories you burn through sport in a typical day: half an hour of weight training uses about 200 calories and half an hour of moderate-intensity cardio uses about 350 high. Make your total caloric expenditure and MB induced by physical activity and keep your calorie intake below the value obtained. To calculate your caloric intake, you can help yourself to our table calories. Best tips to weight loss, plan is discussed below…

Spread your meals

Gone are the three classic daily meals! Whatever the number of calories consumed each day, it is imperative to split equally between 5 to 6 small meals. Whenever you eat, the metabolism increases due to digestion and therm o genesis. On the other hand, by making smaller meals, you are sure not to overeat, if the excess calories will probably be stored as fat.

Think protein

For the metabolism is very active, it is important to lose fat and not muscle! Because muscle hypertrophy occurs through the amino acids supplied by the protein, it is essential to eat every day. Moreover, as the proteins are degraded relatively slowly in the intestine, they are effective against the tension of the stomach. By cons, we will stick to lean protein sources, such as the chicken and turkey without the skin, tuna, salmon and lean steak. Warning: no abuse because excess protein can also be set aside as fat.

The fibers against fats

If body fat has a nemesis, it is the fiber of 100% calorie-free, fiber absorbs water, best tip for weight loss and with lea volume effect, they create a feeling of “fullness” that helps curb appetite. The fibers also regulate insulin levels in the blood, which contributes a factor important in weight control. The best sources of fiber are its cereal products, legumes and oats. Try to consume 25-35 grams of fiber per day.

Good fats

Again, it is important to eat foods satiating effect when trying to eliminate fat. It is for this reason that a slimming diet must paradoxically include lipids. By cons, it is “healthy” fats, i.e. unsaturated present in extra virgin olive oil, oil seeds (like almonds and cashews), lawyers and soy.


Naturally metabolism slows during sleep. Best tip for weight loss… the goal is to restart at the earliest, hence the importance of the first meal of the day. A high protein meal (20-40 g) with complex carbohydrates (such as oats) and fruit should do the trick. You can also add a cup of coffee to aid digestion

please visit our website

How to lose weight fast

Breakfast is the start of your day metabolism you have to pay attention, because of poor metabolism, weight loss results you are poor Girls do not know if you heard of weight loss a week after menstruation golden era yet. Since that time the most productive metabolism. So, to lose weight fast, but do not think you can lose weight fast greedy, too, fat disappear just as quickly! My suggestion is the best sever eat fried foods, such as instant noodles, chips. Lunch just what you eat; the best you can control the heat. Dinner is to light. In fact, many of these people on how to eat three meals a day to say, I will just mention it. As for sports, I do not advocate violent sport because I am also a slacker . So, the best is – walk Faster than you usually go shopping a little faster, I would watch TV while using the treadmill walking speed of 6km per hour, a television set is almost more than 40 minutes, and went 40 minutes, 20-30 minutes before the burning of calories, After 10 minutes burn fat& this will also helps you to lose weight fast. No treadmill does not matter, take the bus one stop early, went to the door, and often help with household chores, home stairs determined not to take the elevator, (I do not have a subway escalator, saw the stairs must himself went up!) you can also look up their “total calories needed daily.” For example, you need 1,800 calories a day, you want to reduce from 57 kg to 50 kg, then that is a total reduction of 7 kg, and every 7700 calories is one kilogram of meat, so you need to reduce a total of 53,900 calories, your daily reduce about 500 to 600 calories, three months will lose weight fast, However, this calculation must take what food they eat and the understanding of their calories. (More obscure algorithm calories needed each day is multiplied by 30 kcal kg body weight, if the activity of medium, it is multiplied by 35, activity volume, it is multiplied by 40 to 45 calories, such as your 57 kg moderate amount of activity, then required daily calories is 1995 kcal lasts, but this algorithm is very vague, but the error is too much trouble exact algorithm but also up and down like a hundred calories, you can check the Internet) Although it is troublesome, but some do not understand the food calories what’s wrong with it – you can also take a small book, what they eat everything down. For example in terms of eating breakfast 2 whole wheat bread, a glass of barley water, an egg (boiled), lunch to eat rice 2/3 bowls, garnish with your favorite match in the afternoon to eat a piece of chocolate cake, then in the evening, open small book and saw moderate force people look beautiful star fantasy figure, three months after his fantasies with them as you can, hold back! Night to eat more vegetables it. I do not mind to on a hunger strike, I tried to eat only two meals a month, NFAM indeed thin quickly rebounded very rapidly

This article will help you to know that How to lose weight fast & how you can maintain your body metabolism…. please visit our site